What Is a Church?
A church is a place where we meet friends and neighbors, a place to come each Sunday, to rest from our labors. But a church is so much more than a meeting place, it's a sharing together of God's loving grace. Fellowship in God's house, a sacred time to share. Hearts filled with compassion, meet our Lord in prayer.
In our church, joyful songs rising to the rafters, sharing tears and sorrow, sharing hugs and laughter. We come together; to serve God, that's our mission. We return each Sunday, to renew our vision. Our church is small, but our faith is strong. Each Sunday we return here, it's where we belong.
Sarah Shaw ~ Jerome United Methodist Church
Thank you for checking the Somerset Center UMC's web page out! We are a small membership church with a big heart for our community. The first Friday of every month we have a food distribution ministry. Last month we served 210 people! Every Wednesday we have a "Chicken Coop" ministry. We gather for fellowship at 10 am, have a noon meal, then play euchre or other tables.
Our Sunday worship os at 9 am and it is very informal. We sing, read a Scripture and then discuss how that Scripture applies to our lives. Each one has the opportunity to share or ask any questions they may have. Then we share our prayer requests, have a closing song and go into the world to share our faith!
Worship with us!
Join us every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. for Worship Service
Holy Communion is served on the 1st Sunday of the month
This Sunday's conversation word is
"R E A L"
Join Pastor Larry for an interactive worship service like no other!
God is very fond of you! ~ Rev. Larry Rubingh